Hi Mark, thanks for calling Locus Travel, how can we help?
I'd like to resechedule my flight
Sure, can you please tell me your booking reference
Uhm where is it...ah found it: VDY9U3
Perfect, I see you have booked a flight departing from Paris to New York on December 24 and returning on New York to Paris on December29. Do you want to change your departing flight, return flight? or both?
I'd like to postpone my return flight to December 30
Ok, there are 2 option for December 30:
- departure from New York at 6:10am. It will cost you £8 more
- or departure at 3 pm from £90 more.
Which one do you prefer?
Hmm I dont know... What about December 31?
On December 31 there is a flight departing from New York at 3pm and it will cost you £15 more. Would that work for you
Yes, that works better. Ah, by the way what's the baggage allowance?
With the Light option you are allowed to bring on board 1 hand bagage and 1 personal item for a total of 12kg. Do you confirm you want to book return flight on December 31?
Yes, please
Great, I just want to inform you that for £30 more you can upgrade to Flex and you can have priority benefits, and extra leg room. Would you be interested to upgrade?
That sounds interesting...
Ok but can I use a voucher to pay?
Let me transfer you to my human colleague that will help you with your purchase